ASU Foundation, Inc. Scholarships Phase I
Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

The 2024-2025 Phase I ASU Foundation Scholarship Assistance Applications will OPEN at 8:00 am on Monday, March 25, 2024, and CLOSE at 11:55pm on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

This application phase is open to all current and incoming students. Applicants should be mindful that scholarship awards are contingent on scholarship criteria, availability of funds, demonstrated financial need of applicants, academic merit, and timeliness of application submission; therefore, all applicants may not be awarded.

To learn more and apply for Phase I Scholarship Assistance from the ASU Foundation, click this link:

If you have any questions, please contact


If you are an admitted pg电子下载 State University applicant or current student, click below to search and apply for scholarships.

The pg电子下载 State University Foundation, Inc. offers students the opportunity to apply for scholarship funding assistance during our Phase I application period. This application phase is open for students who have an unmet financial need after all other aid has been applied or exhausted. Applicants should be mindful that scholarship awards are contingent on availability of funds, demonstrated financial need of applicants and academic merit; therefore, all applicants may not be awarded.

General Requirements

Incomplete scholarship applications will not be reviewed. Students should make sure their application and all required information is complete and submitted by the deadline. Completed scholarship applications must be submitted no later than the posted due date and students will not be notified of incomplete applications.

Every Foundation scholarship applicant is required to complete a FAFSA for the current year’s financial aid awards. The primary intent of the scholarship program of the ASU Foundation is to assist students with tuition, fees, and book expenses through need-based and merit-based scholarships. For this reason, all scholarship applicants are required to apply for financial aid. Financial aid awards, including other university and external aid, will be factored into the scholarship awards process.

ASU Foundation funded scholarships are to be used at pg电子下载 State University only and are not transferable to other institutions.

ASU Foundation scholarships are intended for approved educational related expenses only, as set forth in the respective scholarship guidelines and criteria.

Any fraudulent use of scholarship funds or misrepresentation to gain reimbursement may result in the termination of scholarship funding and ineligibility to apply for future ASU Foundation funding opportunities.

The Phase I scholarship review process can take several days.
All applicants will be notified by email/letter regarding their application status.

Explation of Terms

For incoming students, the official GPA evaluated is the one from your most recent institution. For returning students, GPA will refer to your most recent cumulative GPA at pg电子下载 State University.

Scholarship requirements stating that a student must be “currently enrolled” at ASU means that the student must be currently enrolled in classes pursuing a full load of 15 credit hours. If a student is not enrolled in an ASU course at the time of the scholarship application, the application may not be reviewed.

The ASU Foundation annually awards scholarships funded by private donations. Scholarships are intended to assist students with the cost of attendance, as well as recognize academic performance, leadership qualities, University/community service and campus/community engagement. ASU Foundation scholarships are awarded annually on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, major of study and/or other specifications set by donors.

Students with an ASU Identification Number, are eligible and encouraged to complete the ASU Foundation Scholarship application. All applicants for Phase I are required to apply for financial assistance through the Office of Financial Aid prior to applying for an ASU Foundation scholarship.

ASU Foundation scholarship recipients must maintain a minimum 2.5 cumulative institutional GPA.

ASU Foundation scholarships are typically towards the payment of ASU tuition and fees. In some cases, the award may also be used for ASU Housing, ASU Dining, and required textbooks at the ASU Bookstore.

Foundation scholarship funds are nonrecurring meaning they do not rollover from year to year.

Students receiving University scholarships covering 100% of their ASU tuition and fees, room, board, and books are ineligible to receive ASU Foundation Scholarships.

Aid is restricted to U.S. citizens.

Currently aid is restricted to undergraduate students only.


  1. Students must have a ASU University Identification Number (UIN) to apply. UINs are assigned to students once an Admissions application has been completed.
  2.   The ASU Foundation Phase I Scholarship Application is available annually during the month of August prior to the beginning of the Fall semester.
  3. The ASU Foundation Phase I Scholarship application must be submitted online.
  4. Returning students must complete the ASU Foundation Scholarship Application annually for renewal purposes.
  5.  Completing a FAFSA form is required to be eligible for ASU Foundation Phase I scholarships. It is highly recommended to complete a FAFSA annually in order to maximize all need-based financial aid and scholarship opportunities. The FAFSA should be completed annually by the University deadline.

Awarded by the Gamma Pi Alumni Association to a current student who is a member of the Gamma Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated with at least a 3.0 grade point average.

Interested eligible students may access the scholarship application packet by clicking below:

For more information, please contact the Gamma Pi Alumni Association at

Students must adhere to the following:

  • Must have an ACT score of 18 or higher
  • Must have a GPA of 2.75 or higher
  • First priority given to Shelby County, TN students, but Desoto County, MS students may apply

Awarded by The Tom Joyner Foundation to all students including graduate students, who are U.S. Citizens and registered voters. To be eligible for this scholarship students must be: Preferably registered voters in Mississippi. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 grade point average.

Click here to access the scholarship application.


Feel free to contact any member of the Institutional Advancement Office staff to learn more about the Always pg电子下载
Annual Fund Campaign.

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